Does your Child need a COVID-19 test?
If they are worried about the COVID test, then help is at hand.
Swabs are part of the COVID test process. Putting a swab in your nose or mouth is frightening for some children and adults.
We worked with Widgit, the UK software pioneer, to create these easy-read texts.
The free downloads explain COVID tests to young children and those with SEND. This can make the test a little less frightening for them.
Two versions are available, depending on how the COVID test will be carried out:
Who will these help?
Typically, the downloads will help those with additional needs or who are under 5. This includes children and adults who have:
- Autism / ASD
- Complex learning difficulties
- Speech and language difficulties
- (In some cases) severe dyslexia
Can children can get a COVID test?
Under 16s can have COVID tests.
If in doubt, a parent or carer should always get advice from NHS 111.
- For children over 5, then use the NHS 111 Online Coronavirus service.
- For children under 5, then call 111.
The latest NHS guidance on children and coronavirus is here. It has advice for when to immediately call 111 or your GP. It also tells you when you should call 999.
Children do not need to have all the symptoms of coronavirus. Tests are available even if a someone only has one of the three main symptoms. The three main symptoms are:
- a high temperature
- a new or continuous cough
- a loss or change to sense of smell or taste.
Everyone in the household should stay at home until the test result is confirmed.
Even more COVID support for SEND
Widgit has lots of help for those with SEND, including dealing with bad news, Covid symbols, and boredom busters.
Where can I get more info?
- To ask questions or get support, please get in touch
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0788 42 42 719