SEND inquiry: How professionals want to solve the SEND crisis?

The SEND Inquiry is an investigation by the Education Select Committee into how we can make the SEND system better in the both the short and long term. Also known as Solving the SEND Crisis, it has now released its first wave of written evidence. This article introduces the inquiry is and what professionals are saying so far. The article breaks down evidence into 2 groups:

An article on the voices of parents is here, where you can also see the list of MPs who are leading the inquiry.

What is the SEND inquiry about?

A number of reports have reported a crisis in the SEND system. Therefore, the current inquiry focuses on making both short and long term improvements in the system so that experiences and outcomes for children become better.

Who can give evidence to the SEND inquiry?

Anyone. Schools, families, professionals, charities, young people… The call for evidence closes on 6th February 2025.

What are school staff saying to the SEND inquiry?

A fascinating range of school staff have submitted their views. Codes in brackets are the references from the inquiry’s publication list, where you can see the full submissions.

SENCo in independent school (SEN 44)

SENCo in infants (SEN 36)

Head of Primary (SEN 24)

CEO of a Mixed Mainstream / Special Academy Trust (SEN 20)

School governor (primary) and volunteer MP caseworker (SEN 18)


SENCo and then specialist setting (SEN 17)

Senior leader (Special School) (SEN 13)

School leader or teacher (SEN 11)

Head of Primary (SEN 07)

SENCo in primary (SEN 03)

Deputy Head of Junior School (SEN 02)

What are SEND Specialists saying to the SEND inquiry?

Five recurring themes are:

  1. Money
  2. Workflow
  3. Training
  4. External support
  5. Accountability.

SEN Manager (SEN 52)

Disability Advocate (SEN 48)

SEN Outreach Teacher (SEN 47)

SEND Manager (SEN 43)

SEN Outreach teacher (SEN 34)

Flat Stan First Aid (SEN 26)

Inclusive Solutions UK Ltd (SEN 09)

Fit 2 Learn CIC (SEN 05)

What do the trade unions say will solve the SEND crisis?

Nothing – but it is still early days. We can expect that some union leaders will make submissions (e.g. ASCL, NASUWT, UNISON). It will be interesting to see how creative they are – they have an opportunity to offer novel solutions given that they have access to hundreds of thousands of school staff and leaders. An excellent submission is also likely to be technical (e.g. pointing out bottlenecks in training for sensory impairment specialists) as well as offering views on funding and training.

Whose voice is missing from the SEND inquiry?

  1. Children
  2. Teaching assistants

These are very large omissions and we hope that this changes in the coming weeks.

What is the 9000 Lives response to the SEND inquiry

  1. SENCo time needs to be focused on pupil outcomes and support and not admin. Examples of how we can free up SENCos to spend more time working directly with pupils and staff:
    • Simplify SEN support plans to make them more focused.
    • Avoid adding new laws to the SEN support tier.
    • Avoid mandating a new EHCP template.
    • Stop spending time creating medium term outcomes.
    • Regionalise SALT referral forms & processes.
  2. Produce a DfE guide to how schools should better communicate with SEND parents – especially regarding their SEN information report.
  3. Increase the £6000 element 2 funding by inflation each year.
  4. Allow LAs to direct placement of children in care.
  5. Provide governors, trustees and inspectors with data on how successful a school is in attracting pupils with SEND from within and beyond its own catchment.

The full submission can be found on the inquiry website.

Solving the SEND Crisis: What happens next?

Interested parties have until 30th January 2025 to make their submissions. After this, the next step is oral evidence sessions which allow the committee’s MPs to explore the issues in more detail. Finally, the MPs will publish a Solving the SEND Crisis report for the government to respond to.

Many people see SEND as an urgent issue and, whilst the government response may come in the summer term, it might not arrive until early autumn.

Watch this space.

Need help with SEND in your council, trust or school? If so, get in touch.

𝕏 @9000Lives_org


  • Aaron King, Director

    With over 20 years experience of working with children & young people in both mainstream and SEND settings, Aaron King is the driving force behind 9000lives.

    Aaron has written for the TES, including in the Leadership & Governance sections. He has also been a school governor for around 15 years.

  • Aaron King

    Aaron King Director

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