SEND & LGBTQ: How to help SEND youngsters understand LGBTQ+

Here you’ll find books, videos and links to help children and young people, especially those with SEND, to understand LGBTQ+ identities (as featured at SAYiT conference on SEND & LGBTQ+).

The book list has recommended developmental ages so that you can find the perfect books for your needs.

Montage of resources for LGBTQ awareness that can be used for SEND pupils in mainstream or special schools.

Resources for SEND & LGBTQ+ themes

This guide has dozens of books, most sorted by development age of pupils that they are suitable for. This makes the lists helpful for primary school staff but also special school staff who work with pupils who, may be 15 years old but are developmentally much younger (e.g. due to a severe learning difficulty).

Choose whether you want the download in pdf or Word:

LGBTQ+ YouTubers, some who have SEND:

SEND LGBTQ Secondary Schools youtubers who have SEND

Are there any good SEND + LGBTQ TikToks?

No. Not really. TikTok videos are too short and don’t make great resources for LGBTQ+ awareness. TikTok also has a lot of rubbish to wade through, including on the #LGBTQ hashtag.

If you really must use TikTok to reach a student, then search for the #comingout hash tag as this is a ‘least dreadful’ place to start. Even still, a lot of the videos appear staged and it’s hard to know how authentic they are.

Talking about LGBTQ with autistic young people

Check out the LGBTQ+ YouTubers download: You’ll find tips to help you discuss LGBTQ+ with young people on the autistic spectrum.

Many autistic students use YouTube anyway. So, you are using a resource that they are likely to engage with. The key difference is that you are curating the content to eliminate unhelpful content.

Tips in the YouTube download include:

What do the letters mean in LGBTQ+?

The Genderbread Person

Genderbread person explains LGBTQ and can be used in schools.

This great visual resource helps youngsters understand identity, sexual orientation, sex as well as sexual attraction.

You’ll find the genderbread person here or via

Find out more about LGBTQ+ or SEND…

To ask questions or get support, please get in touch.

  • Aaron King, Director

    With over 20 years experience of working with children & young people in both mainstream and SEND settings, Aaron King is the driving force behind 9000lives.

    Aaron has written for the TES, including in the Leadership & Governance sections. He has also been a school governor for around 15 years.

  • Aaron King

    Aaron King Director

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