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Football banning orders are given for very serious behaviour.
But who is getting banned from our football stadiums and why?
The SEND Tribunal is an independent body that makes decisions on EHCPs.
Before either side goes to a SEND Tribunal, it’s useful to see both sides, including some of the hidden costs.
Do you hesitate when engaging with trans people because you don’t want to say the wrong thing?
Or do you just want to keep up to date?
If so, check out this summary of the key info.
Staff hope they’ll never need to attend court as part of their job.
If they do need to appear as a witness, here’s 5 tips to help.
Think we could help you? Please contact us to discuss how we might help you.
If your project is not something we can support you with, we’ll say so. We’re driven to do the best for young people and if we can’t do that, we think it’s best to step aside.