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Football Banning Orders: Young Men And Safety On The Terraces

Football banning orders are given for very serious behaviour.

But who is getting banned from our football stadiums and why?


Everything you need to know about School Suspensions in 2024

What are the important trends in suspensions from schools?

For school leaders, teachers & parents.

Data is from the July 2024 DfE release.


Children in Care: The Guide for School Governors

What do school governors need to know about Children in Care (sometimes referred to as LAC).

The download can be shared with school leaders and staff too.


Great news about Teenage Pregnancy: A Real Success Story

Over 25 years, teenage pregnancies have fallen significantly in England and Wales.

Learn about this success through seven simple charts and graphs.


SEND & LGBTQ: How to help SEND youngsters understand LGBTQ+

Need to support SEND kids to learn about sexuality and gender?

Here’s books and links to help work through the knowledge they need.

As featured at the SAYiT conference on SEND & LGBTQ+.


School Governors: Asking the right questions about mental health

Schools are a front line service.

So, what role do school governors have when it comes to mental health? And, what questions can they ask to support mental health of pupils and staff?


Talking to trans people: Ten Terms you need to Know

Do you hesitate when engaging with trans people because you don’t want to say the wrong thing?

Or do you just want to keep up to date?
If so, check out this summary of the key info.


Advice & Support: Staff members being a witness at court

Staff hope they’ll never need to attend court as part of their job.

If they do need to appear as a witness, here’s 5 tips to help.


An inspiring teacher: Boo Spurgeon and her powerful legacy

A mysterious change among young people in one part of north Sheffield….

What was happening?

The answer is an inspiring teacher…


Everything you need to know about School Suspensions in 2023

What are the important trends in suspensions from schools?

For school leaders, teachers & parents.

Data is from the July 2023 DfE release.


Does your Child need a COVID-19 test?

Does your child need a COVID test?

We created this free booklet, designed to help them understand testing and answer their questions.

Written in partnership with Widgit Online – our favourite producer of visuals.


Schools, Face masks and Seatbelts

Face masks have become compulsory in shops in England.

So what next for schools?

And what can we learn from when we needed to belt up?



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Think we could help you? Please contact us to discuss how we might help you.

If your project is not something we can support you with, we’ll say so. We’re driven to do the best for young people and if we can’t do that, we think it’s best to step aside.

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