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The latest on the Education Select Committee’s SEND inquiry.
Discover what professionals (e.g. teachers, SEND managers) have said so far.
Solving the Special Educational Needs (SEND) Crisis is an inquiry by the Parliament’s Education Select Committee.
Find out what parents have said so far.
The autumn 2024 budget gave an extra £740 million to support SEND.
However, here we focus on SEND reform that is low cost and also that wouldn’t need new laws.
What are the important trends in suspensions from schools?
For school leaders, teachers & parents.
Data is from the July 2024 DfE release.
How many of these nine dyslexic role models do you know?
With a bonus section for pro-footballers, this list might inspire you, or your child, to dream even bigger.
Tips and Tools for SEND documents that people keep on reading.
For academies and maintained schools.
Primary, secondary and special schools.
How many days a year do supply teachers cover pupils in your primary school?
How often do you reflect on how to get the best out of them? Let’s do that now!
Do you know many autistic role models?
Here’s nine who have become successful.
They might inspire you, or your child, to dream even bigger.
Are you a SEND Governor?
Whether you are new or experienced in the SEND governor role, this article will be useful to you.
Resources and information about AI and SEND, especially Chat GPT.
For school leaders, SENCos and staff, let’s make a better world for SEND!
Has your child just started secondary special school?
Or, are you working in secondary special for the first time?
If so, get up to speed on entry levels.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Autism or ADHD are not instantly rejected.
But the barriers are quite high. Click for more detail.
The SEND Tribunal is an independent body that makes decisions on EHCPs.
Before either side goes to a SEND Tribunal, it’s useful to see both sides, including some of the hidden costs.
Chances are parents, governors and staff are confused by SEND acronyms.
There’s more jargon than you think!
This free guide helps everyone to better navigate the SEND maze.
Need to support SEND kids to learn about sexuality and gender?
Here’s books and links to help work through the knowledge they need.
As featured at the SAYiT conference on SEND & LGBTQ+.
Schools are a front line service.
So, what role do school governors have when it comes to mental health? And, what questions can they ask to support mental health of pupils and staff?
What are the important trends in suspensions from schools?
For school leaders, teachers & parents.
Data is from the July 2023 DfE release.
What must you include in your SEND information report?
Checklists to dowload plus a few helpful extras – for schools, academies and PRUs.
Seven tips to make your school’s documents more accessible.
It focuses on online documents. These form a large part of a school’s information for new parents and carers.
Does your child need a COVID test?
We created this free booklet, designed to help them understand testing and answer their questions.
Written in partnership with Widgit Online – our favourite producer of visuals.
Ofsted run consultations each time they release a new handbook.
Did they listen to the needs of children with hearing impairments and visual impairments?
Yes – Click to read more.
Think we could help you? Please contact us to discuss how we might help you.
If your project is not something we can support you with, we’ll say so. We’re driven to do the best for young people and if we can’t do that, we think it’s best to step aside.