How to write an outstanding SEND Information Report & SEND Policy

Surprisingly, the first step to writing an outstanding SEND policy and SEND Information Report (SIR) is to decide which one you want to bin? The two documents duplicate each other. As the SEND Code of Practice mandates about what must be in a SIR, it is best to keep that (and just paste in any extra parts of your SEND policy that you need to keep). Your new document is your “Combined SEND Policy & Information Report.”

Whether that idea makes you excited or leaves you cold, read on…

Five steps to writing an outstanding SEND Information Report

  1. Combine your SEND Information Report and SEND Policy.
  2. Use pictures (to engage readers).
  3. Write in plain English (i.e. with a high level of readability).
  4. Use a clear font.
  5. Adopt good habits.

1. Why combine the SEND Information Report and SEND Policy?

It benefits the people who need to read about SEND at your school (e.g. parents, staff). It pulls more of your SEND information into one place and, as the SENCo is now doing one document (rather than two), they can spend more time making it clear to read. This helps whether the reader is a new staff member, a parent who has literacy difficulties, or a parent who speaks English as an additional language.

Are we allowed to combine our SEND Information Report and SEND Policy?

Shows primary, secondary and special templates for your combind SEND Info Report and SEND policy.

Yes. The DfE say this is OK.

Separately, The Key, a well-trusted source, also asked the DfE. In an article How to review your SEN policy and information report (firewall), the Key report that:

If you need a document for colleagues to prove that combining these policies is allowed, click to download “Is it OK?” (an A4 briefing).

Some local authorities also have a document called ‘School’s Contribution to the Local Offer.’ This can also be combined into the same document so that parents and staff get all the information in one place.

Quick Tip: Use ‘SEND’

When you first use the term ‘Special Educational Needs or Disabilities’ add ‘(SEND)’ afterwards. After that, just use ‘SEND’ as it is quicker to read.

2. Use Pictures in your SEND Information Report

Pictures break up text and give the reader a momentary rest. Whether it’s to show your school’s size (with a Google Earth image), or a simple fiddle toy, pictures can quickly convey useful information.

Also, pictures can signal your values – e.g. happy primary pupils playing Shark Top Trumps to signal that you know that social skills are important for autistic pupils. Smiling kids and great white sharks help to keep people reading.

It is hard to include images of SEND pupils. After all, the SEND status of a child is private. A quick-fix is to include this statement early in your document:

“Our photos of pupils are chosen regardless of whether they have SEND or not. This is inclusion.”

This then allows you to use photos of pupils from your school website or prospectus.

Alternatively, Pixabay offers thousands of free images, and you can use them without copyright worries. Their photos and illustrations, once added to your work, can quickly show the reader the topic of a page.

One excellent contributor is Peggy_Marco who provides simple bubble illustrations as well as photos and AI generated images.

If you need even more choice, then also offer copyright free pictures.

3. Make your SEND Information report easily readable

The Flesch reading ease score is a way to find out if you have written in plain English. It is free to use and is even built into in Microsoft Word – you just have to click the right buttons to discover it.

The Flesch reading ease score is a mathematical formula that scores text out of 100, where 100 is easiest to read. Here’s a few examples of Flesch scores:

When writing anything for parents, aim for a score of over 60 because this is considered plain English.

You can check your score using tools that are already built into Microsoft Word. Google ‘How to use Flesch in Word.’

4. Use a Clear Font

Some font choices just slow down the reader – so choose a sans serif font, size 11 or 12, with 1.2 or 1.4 line spacing. This will help the reader digest the details that you want them to know.

Shows five accessible fonts for people with vision loss or dyslexia.

Cursive Fonts in documents for parents

Cursive fonts (i.e. handwriting fonts) are more common in primary school policies. Avoid them in your SEND Information Report as they are harder to read and so they slow down you reader.

Shows words "Our outstanding SEND provision" written in both cursive and non-cursive font to highlight how non-cursive is more straightforward.

You can find more advice on writing for people who have visual impairments or dyslexia here.

5. Pick up good habits

Once you’ve been told what inclusive writing includes, some of it is incredibly easy to adopt for the rest of your life. Our four page guide to writing accessible SEND Policies / SIRs has information that will help you adopt new habits in your writing.

What do other SEND experts say?

Adam Boddison was chief of NASEN. His view is that best practice goes beyond the basic requirements and ensures that the reports are as accessible and impactful as possible. He added that the requirements of the Code of Practice are the minimum expectation. His book on SEND for school governors is excellent.

Andre Imich is a SEND expert at the DfE. He’s the expert that other DfE SEND experts go to when they have a question. On SEND information reports, he asks “Do they convey a welcoming message? This is about celebrating the good work of a school. Do they do that enough? (from 26:30 onwards). He goes on to say that most of the ones that he’d seen were just words and that parents do value photographs. He adds “What would be helpful would be colour and pictures and that there are ways of making them very attractive.”

Margaret Mulholland (ASCL SEND Lead) and Natalie Packer (SEND expert) also comment on this 2024 Schools Week article on the subject. The article also contains some stark comparisons between SEN information reports and a Stephen Hawking’s book on cosmology.


If a SENCo follows the advice above, far more of your families and staff will keep turning the page of your SEND information report. They’ll know more and perform even better for pupils with SEND.

At worst, the world is a little bit fairer

At best, pupils get even better outcomes in life.

It’s win-win.

This article gives you great free advice on how to do even better. If after reading it, you want further support or training for your school, trust or LA, please get in touch. We can help you to develop an awesome SEND Information report – or SENCos can do it independently following the above advice.

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  • Aaron King, Director

    With over 20 years experience of working with children & young people in both mainstream and SEND settings, Aaron King is the driving force behind 9000lives.

    Aaron has written for the TES, including in the Leadership & Governance sections. He has also been a school governor for around 15 years.

  • Aaron King

    Aaron King Director

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